Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Do you help?????

If you are driving do you stop for accidents, or just slow down to look? If you see someone on the street that needs help do you walk a wide circle around them or do you sit down next to them to hear their story? If you see a friend is having a hard day do you take the time out to make sure they know you are there if they need you?

What about when you see a family struggling? Do you offer support? Meals? Do you lend a ear? What do you do when you see another family hurting? Do you watch from afar or do you go to them and see what you can do? Our society and in turn our churches have become very hands off. Don't ask don't tell, put on a happy face so no one knows what is going on. We no longer go to others to hold them accountable. We no longer ask if anyone needs help. We don't want to offend. We don't want to get involved. If you see a family or person struggling you should go to them and let them know you are there. Even if it means just sitting there quietly with that person that may be all they need is to know they are not alone. If you see problems creeping up with another families children, why would you not go to the parents to ask if everything is ok? When there are lots of little problems that means there is a large underlying problem, and those little problems are a symptom. If you have a headache your head does not just start hurting because it does that and that is the problem, there is something that causes your head to hurt. Instead of putting a band aid on it you find out what the root cause is and fix it.

We have a very self centered society, uncaring unless it gives us some gossip to share with someone else. It is time for all the Christians to stand up and start caring! I have been the center of everyones conversations "I think there is something going on over there." No one did anything. The problems got much worse and ended with me in the hospital for 6 days with depression. I went off the edge because no one had the "guts" to talk with us to find out what was going on. No one wanted to get involved. No one wanted to take the time from their busy day to help.

Matthew 25:42-45
For I was hungry and you game Me no food: I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink: I was a stranger and you did not take Me in naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.
Then they also will answer Him saying Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?
Then He will answer them saying, "Assuredly I say to you inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these you did not do it to Me.

Do you want to have to explain to God at the end of your days why you didn't minister to the least of these? If you know something is wrong, and do nothing about it you are held accountable for it also. James 4:17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is a sin.

So there you have your choice do nothing when you know what is good, or do something about it, step out of your comfort zone. Help a family that you have been wondering about, befriend someone that needs a friend, sit with the homeless person and listen to their story, help an elderly lady in the grocery store who is struggling to pick up something she dropped. Whatever you do don't stand by and do nothing. Remember we have to give an account for our lives at the end of this.

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